Wonderful Works Resources

Intro to Community

“This is the highlight of my month.” Without fail, someone in our mom crew utters this phrase at least once during our monthly gathering. To be fair, our gatherings are nothing fancy or official. It’s just a handful of young moms who met through church getting together for dinner and talking (always for much longer than we anticipate). I guess the fun made our husbands jealous. Now the dads have a monthly(ish) gathering, too (though I doubt they talk as much or laugh as hard, and I can assure you they don’t stay out as late). 

Why is this time so valuable to all of us? Because in this season of raising little people (and honestly in every season), we need a place where others understand the struggles we’re going through: lack of sleep, temper tantrums, and (for the ladies) our own hormones. Our gatherings provide a place where we can openly talk about the most intimate parts of our lives that even our husbands or best non-mom friends sometimes don’t get (they can’t understand or probably want to know about pelvic floor therapy or potty training woes). The truth is, parenting is hard and we can’t do it alone. 

God created us to need one another from the very beginning. The only thing that God says is “not good” in the pre-fall sinless Garden of Eden is Adam being alone. That fact should drive home to us the importance of community. In a world without sin, where Adam had perfect intimacy with God, he still needed other people.

Community is essential for a healthy human life, a healthy Christian life, and a healthy parenting life. Parenting can be lonely work (who knew it was possible to feel alone when you can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself?),and we parents need people in our lives walking beside us and keeping us sane.

But let’s be honest, community is sometimes tough to find, especially when you have little people in your life. That’s where this forum comes in. The goal of this forum is to give you that “parent’s night out” experience on your own time, wherever you are, in those little moments when your kids are napping or watching some Wonderful Works videos or trying very hard for long periods of time to take the cap off of an empty water bottle (my youngest child’s current obsession). It’s a place where you can post questions, learn from other moms, share a funny parenting story and just have some adult time in the midst of kid life.

You get out of a community what you give, so don’t hold back. Community involves conversation, so here’s a few questions to get the conversation flowing:

Do you feel connected to a community right now? Why or Why not? If not, what are your biggest barriers to finding community? If yes, what does community look like for you in your current season? 

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