30 Days of Grace

What Is Grace Anyway?

We sing in church about how God’s grace is amazing, but why? What does grace really mean? Even people (like myself) who have grown up in church often fail to really understand what God’s grace really is. This is sad because grace is a powerful thing.

When We Don’t Understand Grace, It Affects Every Aspect of Our Life

I’ll be honest and say I haven’t always understood grace all that well. Despite growing up in church, I was probably the most judgmental person of all time in high school (and parts of college and post-college life). I looked down on others, even other Christians who weren’t doing things the “right” way, according to my understanding. Not only that, I held myself to an impossible standard. I fully expected that if I didn’t do all the “right” things, God would not bless me.

Then it happened, I messed things up. In fact, I messed a lot of things up. It was when I was at my most messed up that God intervened in my life and gave me several blessings I had been waiting for (the story of that will one day be its own book, Lord willing). I knew at the time I did not deserve those things. That’s when I started really exploring the concept of grace. This devotional book is the product of that search for understanding.

Through a combination of real life experience, study of Scripture, and theological education, I developed a better understanding of what God’s grace really is and how it should affect my life. This idea of grace has really changed my relationship with God and how I view and interact with others. I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

If there things you can’t forgive yourself for, this book is for you.  Maybe you think you’ve done things that God can’t forgive or that your wrong actions have ruined some aspect of your life. If that’s true of you, this book is for you.  Perhaps you try to be “good” so that God will give you good things. Maybe you even feel jealous or bitter when someone who is not as “good” as you has gotten something that you wanted. This book is for you!

What Is 30 Days of Grace?

30 Days of Grace is a five week devotional journey. Every week you’ll dive deeply into a Scripture passage that tells you something unique about God’s grace. While you’ll look at the same passage every day that week, each day has it’s own unique focus. Over the course of the week, you’ll go from making general observations about the passage to figuring out a real life application. At the end of five weeks, you will:

  • Know the definition of grace and how grace differs from mercy
  • Be able to accept God’s grace in your life, no matter where you’ve come from or what you’ve done
  • Overcome bitterness and jealousy towards those who have gotten good things you don’t think they “deserve”
  • Ask God for help in overcoming persistent sin
  • Recognize that grace is a perpetual gift, not a one time thing
  • Learn that grace allows Christians to still get along, even if they believe or act differently
  • Discover how to show grace to others in real, applicable ways
  • Develop a process for finding God’s grace even in the midst of hard circumstances
  • Learn a process for deeply studying and applying Scripture
  • Have a better understanding of what God’s grace means for your life

Do It On Your Own or In a Small Group

30 Days of Grace can be done on your own or you can do it together with a small group. When you order, you will receive a FREE copy of the small group discussion questions. For each week in the book there are a handful of questions specifically geared towards what you’ve been learning that week. These questions are written to help you continue to learn as you gather with others on the same journey.

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I’m offering 30 Days of Grace for $2.99 on Payhip. This price also includes the bonus small group questions. Click here to order today and have this Ebook instantly delivered to your inbox. Additionally, you can save 20% if you share a post about the Ebook on Facebook or Twitter. Just so you know, you can pay via PayPal or credit/debit card. I know it doesn’t look like there’s a credit card option on the first screen, but there is that option (they must have some sort of deal with PayPal or something), just click through until you see it. You can also purchase it on the Kindle Store for $3.99.

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