Christian Life, Theology

What Christian Freedom Really Means (And How That Affects Your Goals/Resolutions)

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, this month’s posts have been focused on goals and resolutions (you can check out the other posts here, here, and here). You know one thing about goals and resolutions is they can make you feel like you’re losing some of your freedom. You commit to getting certain things done or eating a …

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Christian Life

God Wants You to Be Healthy

One of the most popular New Years Resolutions is trying to improve your health. In fact, this year, 37% of people reported that eating healthier is one of their resolutions. Another 37% said exercising more was theirs. Whether your intention this year is to eat healthier, exercise more, or lose weight, the intention is generally the same: making sure you’re …

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Christian Life, Life Rhythms, Theology

How Thanksgiving Honors God

Thanksgiving is an awesome holiday. You eat amazing food (and lots of it). You get together with family and friends. It starts the Christmas season. It’s just great. In the midst of all the eating and the planning for Christmas, it’s easy to bypass Thanksgiving. It can so easily get overlooked, but it’s so important.  Thanksgiving is a holiday where …

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Christian Life, Theology

Lies Christians Believe about Money: Part 3 of 3

This is the last week in our three week series on lies Christians believe about money. If you haven’t yet, you should first read post #1 and post #2  which each cover a different lie that some Christians believe. This week’s lie is perhaps the most insidious and therefore the most dangerous. Lie #3: What I do with my money …

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Christian Life, Theology

Lies Christians Believe about Money: Part 1 of 3

My “day job” is serving as the ministry coordinator for a discipleship program at my church called Rooted. Rooted is a 10 week small group experience. Each week, your group focuses on a different topic related to God and how we live in response to God (you can find more information on Rooted here, if you’re interested). The topic for …

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Christian Life, Theology

Nothing Is Great Now: Why Black and White Thinking Is a Problem Today

The other day at my work, the slogan “Make America great again” came up in conversation (take a breath, this is not a political post nor does Donald Trump have anything to do with it, so calm down people, it’s just my intro based on my real life). One guy said something along the lines of, “As if America was …

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