Category: Spiritual Disciplines
Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
November is here my friends! That means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. As a kid, I was always a big fan of Thanksgiving. It meant I got to see my family and my mom and aunt would start asking me about what I wanted for Christmas. It was a family tradition that my mom and aunt would go …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
Perhaps one of the most confusing things about reading the Bible in English is the plethora of different Bibles available. Not only do you have study Bibles, kid’s Bibles, journaling Bibles, etc, you also have what seems to be a never ending number of Bible translations to choose from. What’s up with all these translations? This post will strive to …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
Last week’s post focused on the two main ways that we read the Bible: for study and for devotion. We pointed out that both are important. Really, they’re both related to each other too. Now that we’ve looked at Bible reading form a 10,000 foot view, let’s focus in a bit. If I want to read my Bible on …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost July. 2018 is already over half over! Before we know it, fall will be here, school will be starting back up, and we’ll be getting ready to ease back into the “school year” routine. Somehow, even if you’re not in school, things seem to change pace in the fall. In preparation of …
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Guest Posts, Spiritual Disciplines, Theology
I know I’ve posted on here before about my love hate relationship with fasting. I hate doing it, but I know it’s good for me. For that very reason, I’ve made it one of my goals in 2018 to fast more consistently. I actually just did a guest post for my new friend Kira at her blog Joy Pursued on …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
If you watched my latest Facebook Live video for my Six Week Spiritual Growth Journey (you can find it on my Facebook page), you’ll know that this week the subject was fasting. I admitted freely on video and admit freely here that I hate fasting, mostly because I have a great love for food. However, I think that’s why it’s …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
This week for the Six Week Spiritual Growth Journey, we focused on prayer. I talked about different ways to pray and practical tips on how to manage prayer requests. If you missed it, you can watch on Facebook Live here. There’s something else I wanted to cover about prayer: what it means when one isn’t answered. I will be very …
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Christian Life, Single Life, Spiritual Disciplines
This week for my Six Week Spiritual Growth Journey that I’m doing on Facebook, I talked about Sabbath. In thinking about the benefits of Sabbath, I realized that Sabbath teaches us the very thing that I struggled with most when I was single. It’s something we all often struggle with when we have unmet desires: there’s only so much we …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
How My Vacation Reminded Me that How We Spend Our Time Shows Our Priorities I’m just going to really honest here. I wish I was still on vacation. Last week, my husband and I went on our two year anniversary trip. We rented the cutest little cabin and spent our days hiking and exploring all kinds of natural wonders (pictures …
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Christian Life, Spiritual Disciplines
I remember feeling a little bit disappointed after I got baptized at age 13. For one, it was like a birthday. I didn’t feel any different afterwards, even though I had expected too. Secondly, I didn’t feel like I knew what I was supposed to do next. I had felt very strongly that God wanted me to be baptized. I …
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