Category: Christmas/Advent
Christmas/Advent, Life Rhythms
This is probably the weirdest week in the year. It’s that awkward week between Christmas and New Year’s. People are still traveling and spending copious amounts of time with family. The business world is not quite back to normal. If your week is anything like mine, you’ve spent the last couple of days mostly lying around and eating as you …
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The Christmas story and Jesus’ entrance into our world is wonderful on many levels. It reminds us that God keeps his promises. It’s a demonstration that God sees and responds to our unmet desires. However, I’m not sure that’s the best part of the story. The best part, in my humble opinion, is that the Christmas story shows us that …
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One of the best messages of the Christmas story is that we shouldn’t give up hope. Yes, there are things that we don’t yet have, things that we hope for, but Jesus’ coming reminds us that God keeps his promises and therefore we are justified in our hope. What Is Hope? But what is hope? In our own world and …
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My favorite Christmas carol is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”. It’s my favorite because it captures the longing inherent in the celebration of Christmas. I remember several Christmases where I would sit at the piano and play that song over and over again. At the time, I had my own unmet longings and the words to the song resonated with …
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December is here my friends! Let the gift giving begin. I love trying to find the “perfect” gift for someone. However, I’m also realizing that people don’t need more stuff. That can make gift giving a little more difficult. That’s why I created this gift guide. The solution to this problem, in my humble opinion is to opt to give …
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At Christmas, it’s easy for us to focus just on what Jesus did for us. That’s understandable as Jesus accomplished a heck of a lot for us in his 30 odd years of life, starting with his incredible birth. However, we can learn a lot by thinking about what Christmas meant for Jesus. The Inside Scoop in Philippians 2 We …
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One of my favorite Christmas songs is “O Come, O Come,Emmanuel”. I think it’s a lovely song and also has a great message. The word “Emmanuel”is Hebrew for “God with us.” That’s what Christmas is really all about. Through Jesus, God now lives among us. Now, God has always been with his people in one way or another. In the …
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This week, as I’ve been thinking about the Christmas story, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Magi or the Wise Men that are mentioned in Matthew 2:1-12. The Magi are interesting characters. We aren’t told nearly enough about them in my humble opinion(though I suppose God has told us everything we need to know about them). We don’t know …
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Christmas is here! I got to start my Advent devotional yesterday and I am so excited for the Christmas season. It’s easily my favorite time of the year. However, as I talked about in last week’s blog post, it can be hard during the Christmas season to slow down and actually remember why we’re celebrating. To help keep me on …
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When I was a kid, the Christmas season seemed to last forever. The days seemed to crawl by as I waited for that magical day where we would finally get to open all those presents. Now that I’m older, the opposite happens. It seems like I blink and Christmas is over. What makes this really hard is that it seems …
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