Category: Recommended Books
Recommended Books, Single Life
When I have a life problem, the first thing I do is find all the best books on the subject. Being single felt like a problem to me, so I read quite a few books on the topic of singleness, relationships, and dating. Not all of them were great. Actually, a few of them were pretty crappy. However, there are …
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Recommended Books
The theme of June reading was, in a word, Narnia. This month, I read through all seven of the Narnia books, except The Magicians Nephew, which I finished in May. It was actually a great reading choice for a couple of reasons, mainly: 1) These books are awesome 2) These books are deeper than I remembered and 3) These books …
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Recommended Books
This month the last day of the month happens to fall on a Monday, so this week’s blog post is simply my monthly book report/review. Hope that’s not a disappointment. Good news everyone: I actually was able to finish three books this month! Actually, I was very close to four, but didn’t quite finish the fourth one in time. It …
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Recommended Books
It’s the last day of the month which means that it’s time for an update of the books I’ve read this month. February was a good book month. I actually finished more than my goal of 3 books. This month I finished four books (though one of them only partially counts, explanation below). Once again, I’ve included links to …
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Recommended Books
I posted at the beginning of the year that one of my goals for this year was to read 3 books a month. In order to keep me honest about that, I’ve been posting on Instagram and Facebook as I finish books, but I’m also going to start doing a blog post the last day of the month with a …
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