Christian Life, Sex

Let’s Be Real: Men and Women Think Differently

Last week’s blog post was about how men and women are different physically. Our physical differences are not the only distinctive. We also think and feel differently. This isn’t just popular opinion. It’s science. These differences in thought and feeling are related to and caused by our physical differences. Men and women’s brains are different, which causes many of the differences between how men and women think.

Once again, we are more similar than we are different. Still, the slight differences that we have in our brain chemistry causes differences in how we think, feel, behave, etc. It’s worth noting some of these differences.

Ways Our Brains Are Different

The “memory center” part of the brain is bigger in women than it is in men. This causes men and women process emotions differently. Women’s brains absorb more information about what they’re feeling, both through their senses and emotionally. Because of this, they have an easier time talking about their emotions than men do.

The male and female brain have different ratios of gray to white brain matter. This difference has some interesting consequences. It causes men to be more focused on one task and to focus on it completely while women have a better ability to multitask.

The chemical make up of male and female brains is also different. This differences causes women to have an easier time sitting still while men need to move more. The connections in the brain are different as well. Men have an easier time thinking about something and moving on. Women tend to ruminate on things.

There Is No Superior Brain

All of these differences can either be advantages or disadvantages, depending on the circumstances. Neither brain, male or female, is superior in all situations. This is another example of how much men and women need each other.

For one thing, there are certain tasks that women (on average) will do better at because of the way their brains are wired. There are other things that men will be better at.  Our brain hardware makes us more or less suited to certain things. So yes, there are some things that women are better at and others that men are better at. Still, we should be striving to even each other out, not competing against one another or trying to prove than one gender or the other is superior. While one gender might be superior at certain things, there are other things that they are inferior at.

Additionally, because of the differences in the way we think and feel, we can help each other. By working together, we can strengthen each other’s weaknesses and take advantage of each other’s strengths. We are better off when we work together.

Don’t Ignore Differences, Embrace Them

We need to acknowledge these differences and take advantage of them, not try to ignore them. It’s silly to try to force men to fight against their natural brain chemistry and  make them something that they’re not. The same is true of women. We should learn about the differences between the sexes and work out the best way to use our differences, not try to force us to be the same.  

Now, that doesn’t mean that we stereotype men or women and the way they think and assume they can’t and shouldn’t try to change. Just because men have a harder time expressing emotions, that doesn’t mean that we should teach them that they are weak in that area and thus shouldn’t bother to improve. If women often get stuck ruminating, we shouldn’t encourage that and write it off as the way things are.

We should, instead, recognize the potential weaknesses that each sex has and find ways to help one another. Understanding and patience is key. We need to understand that we think differently so that we can avoid misunderstanding.

Grace Always

Grace is essential too. We have to have grace for one another and recognize that those of the other gender don’t think exactly like we do. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions or assume that they think exactly like we do. Instead, we have to have space for these different ways of thinking and feeling.  Grace and understanding are needed, and it can be a bit messy, but in the end, men and women are better off working together.

PS: I freely admit that this article was sourced by internet research. You can find my two main sources here:

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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