Christmas Gift Guide for Booklovers

Christmas Gift Guide for Booklovers

December is here my friends! Let the gift giving begin. I love trying to find the “perfect” gift for someone. However, I’m also realizing that people don’t need more stuff. That can make gift giving a little more difficult. That’s why I created this gift guide.

The solution to this problem, in my humble opinion is to opt to give books instead of other items or something as lacking in meaning and thought as a gift card. But what book should you get for your friend or family member? I’m so glad you ask. Below are a few kinds of people you might have in your life and my book suggestion for them. Just so you know, if you click any of the link in here, it takes you to Amazon. If you buy anything, I get a tiny commission at no additional cost to you.

That one friend who is overly obsessed with the Enneagram

You know the one I’m talking about. It’s that person in your life that is constantly talking about how their number impacts their life and their actions. They ask people what their numbers are try to figure out how the numbers interact. For this dear person, may I suggest the book Becoming Us by Beth McCord.

Why would I suggest a marriage book to any and all Enneagram obsessed friends? Because this book is more about communication than it is about marriage. The thing the friend will love most about the book is the second half, where it describes each of the numbers and their potential communication issues and then has a section where those of another number can read up on how best to interact with that number. They’re going to love it.

The overchurched person

Let’s be real, it’s very possible to be overchurched. You might have such a person in your life. They have no life outside of church. They might have even gone to a Bible College or Christian school. Perhaps they are constantly trapped in a Christian bubble. Maybe you even know that they’re struggling with it. May I suggest the book Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Burton

This book is about spiritual disciplines (which your overchurched friend may already be into). However, it approaches these practices from a different angle. It asks the reader to consider what they’re greatest desire is and present that desire to God. Then they can use the spiritual practices in the book to find peace in God in the midst of that desire. If you want to give an additional gift, invite the overchurched person to read through the book with you. There are discussion questions in the back that are actually quite good.

Your single friend who’s frustrated with single life

You know the guy or gal I’m talking about. They want to be married, but things just haven’t worked out yet. They’re not too picky and there nothing obviously wrong with them. You are amazed that they aren’t married yet. You know they’re frustrated, but they’re not whiny or complaining about their single status all the time. I actually have two potential suggestions for you, depending on their personality/preferences.

If they’re fans of humor and don’t mind a few F bombs and sexual innuendos, may I suggest Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari. The book will make them laugh out loud and maybe go “Yes! I’ve totally experienced that.” a couple of times. It might also help them see that they’re not alone in being overwhelmed by singleness and dating. Even non-Christians are struggling with the whole thing.

If they’re looking for more answers than humor (or if the language and sexual innuendoes wouldn’t’ fly), I would then suggest Party of One by Joy Beth Smith. This is by far the best Christian book I’ve read on singleness. It’s practical. It’s real to life. It will also make you laugh in a few places. The cover is really girly looking and looks a little like young adult novel, but don’t let that turn you off. It’s a great book and I think your single friend will love it. Though it might not be the best for a male single friend.

Your friend who wants a cuter house/decorating style, but thinks she’s bad at it

I myself don’t love decorating. I don’t think it’s my strong suit. Therefore, making decorating decisions in my house if just stressful. Thankfully, last year I got the book Cozy, Minimalist Home by Myquillin Smith. It’s a home decorating book for people who don’t like home decorating, don’t want a bunch of stuff, and want their home to be warm and welcoming. It’s got lots of great ideas of how to make your space your own while making sure its functional and looks great.

Your Mom (or friend) who really likes hallmark movies

Maybe the best novel I’ve read this year, The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin is a great choice for those who love great books and those who like romance that’s unpredictable. This is an edge of your seat, how are they going to get out of this scrape book that’s also about love, forgiveness, and healing. It’s also been made into a movie, so if they like the book, there’s more fun to be had.

That super goal oriented and ambitious friend (who maybe is good at starting but not finishing)

The book Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff is the perfect gift for those friends who are already thinking about what their goals are going to be in 2020. The book is about making bold, but achievable goals that aren’t just fun to make, but that you can actually accomplish. If your friend has been discouraged by their ability to meet their goals in the past, this is a great book for them.

That friend that wants to start a business, but doesn’t know where to start

Speaking of goals, maybe you have a female friend who’s goal or wish or dream is to start their own business. Maybe they’re overwhelmed by the whole thing, even though you think they have a great idea. Business Boutique by Christy Wright is the perfect book for them. It’s a practical, easy to read and implement book about how to start and run a small business. It has activities to do at the end of each chapter to help you craft your business plan and put what you’re learning in the book into practice. Perfect for the want to be entrepreneur.

Your married friend that’s tired of marriage books

Do you have a friend like this? They love learning about marriage, but they’re a bit “over” most Christian marriage books. Maybe their one exception is Scared Marriage by Gary Thomas (if they haven’t read that one, it’s a great gift idea too), but they’re looking for something more. Why not give them Grace Filled Marriage by Tim Kimmel? This is a marriage book, but it’s actually a book about grace. The book paints a vivid picture of how grace should affect the day to day of your marriage, as well as the big life changes and choices. It’s a great read, practical, but theologically deep.

Your spouse

Want to get your spouse a unique gift this Christmas? Why not give them a personalized manual on you, so they can better understand you. Don’t have time to write such a thing? Let’s be honest, who does. Instead, give them a personalized copy of For Women Only (if you’re a guy gifting a book for your wife) or For Men Only (if you’re a woman gifting a book to your husband).

These books are based on extensive research that highlights how men and women think differently. However, all people are unique. What’s true of most men/women might not be true of you. That’s where the personalization comes it. Go through the book and highlight the things that you would want your spouse to know. Cross out anything that’s not true of you. Make as many notes as you need to help your spouse understand you better. Zach did this for me for my birthday and it was super sweet and super helpful.

Obviously, those are not all the best books you could give as gifts, just a few ideas for a few different types of people. I’ve suggested more books over the years that might be a better fit. You can check those out here. If there are other books you think would make great gifts, make sure to note them in the comments below. Together, we can find the perfect gifts!

Photo by Andreea Radu on Unsplash

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